Friday, April 24, 2009

NeatlySaid targets Financial Hobbyists with Mircoblogging

I was surprised this week to receive an invitation to join “NeatlySaid” because I’m a financial blogger. I’m not in to following stocks, commodities, etc at this point, but I took a spin through microblogging because I’ve seen some really cool mircoblogging applications lately.

For Twitter users, this is a little bit better than Twitter because you can rate the credibility of the user’s prediction. If someone is clearly blowing smoke, their rating will show that way.

Another thing that makes it a little better than Twitter is that you can’t post your lunch menu or your cat’s latest (however adorable) antics. Every post needs to be tagged to a ticker or subject. I personally, couldn’t think of anything relevant to post, so I haven’t yet. However, you should see what my cat is doing right now…

If you’re a stock, commodities or currencies nerd, you’ll have fun with Neatly Said, and I encourage you to give it a try.

Jessica Ward is a freelance writer and blogger and also blogs at


  1. Neat!!

    Thanks for the reference jess!

  2. This isn't my cat posting? No, he can't spell "reference." It must be someone from "Neatly Said." Thanks for visiting PLR. We're glad to have you here and hope you'll come back again soon. We love to profile cool companies that the financial-minded might be interested in.

    Hey--do you guys have resources for folks who follow peer to peer lending? If not, I'd highly recommend adding that. Once the quiet period ends, there's going to be quite a lot of competition in that marketplace. Both lenders and borrowers will be looking for warys to compare notes as to which p2p lender to be using.

  3. Very interesting and informative. Microblogging is already paving its way an individual with the talent and patience will definitely go long and could posssibly earn a regular income doing this. I havent tried twitter but i will look on the site and see if things will work out for me in there.

  4. Joie-Marvic, let us know what you think of it. I've gone back and tried to play with it again. I'd like to watch a "stream" like I can in twitter because I really don't know where to start. I will play with it some more this summer--I'm undertaking a project this summer to teach my daughter about the stock market. This means I'll have to brush-up myself. I haven't followed markets since college.

  5. I was trying it myself , it seems like the straem you are looking for can be achived by creating a "channel" based on your interest (saw it in the tour..)

  6. "NeatlySaid" sounds like a reliable and resource rich community where it is easy to find meaningful and valuable posts thanks to the efforts of the readers and the rules put into place by the staff. Considering the volatile and sometimes perplexing nature of stocks and commodities, a person that follows or works with either or both needs all the valuable resources that he or she can find!

  7. I got a really nice email from the founders of NeatlySaid concerned that I couldn't make a post on their site. I just wan tto clarify, it was no problem with the Neatly Said site, I just didn't have anything to "say" about any specific thing, so I elected not to post anything. That I think is one of the integral strengths of Neatly Said--it's not like Twitter, where you get to routinely vicariously experience everyone else's lunch. I don't want to know what anyone is having for lunch, I only want good content about what I care about--which is a wonderful feature that Neatly Said offers.

  8. ETFDesk's WaysToPlay feature is very similiar to NeatlySaid, but focuses more on macro themes and ideas generated from Exchanged Trade Funds. Also contains a good ETF search engine and screener.
