Thursday, December 20, 2007

P2P lending blogs - Lending Club and Prosper

Last month I started blogging for Lending Club. The focus is more personal finance than peer to peer lending. Here are a couple of my recent posts:

I've enjoyed being part of the blogging team and have learned a lot from the other personal finance bloggers. Two recent articles from DebtKid were quite popular on Digg - 7 Mistakes Geeks Make With Their Money (and How to Fix Them!) and 7 Dating Tips - Ideas for How to Save Money.

New Prosper blog - Propser started a new blog two weeks ago and today they announced that Rateladder will be the editor-in-chief. Rateladder runs several peer to peer websites (RateLadder, ProProsper, and P2P No Bank) and has been a lender on Prosper since July 2006.

So far I've been quite impressed with Prosper's blog. They have pulled in several great writers with different perspectives. Here's a quick run down of the highlights:

In addition to a variety of guest posts, the Prosper blog also has updates from Prosper staff. This is a welcome addition and something I asked for when I reviewed the top Prosper blogs last summer. Previously Prosper had communicated with users through their forum and John Witchel's (Prosper CTO) blog on That blog has since been removed and there is quite a online battle right now with some dissatisfied users. The blog is certainly a step in the right direction to communicate effectively with the public.

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